name: 'Buildkit build and push image' description: 'Build docker image using buildkits buildctl' inputs: path: description: 'Root directory' required: false default: '.' context: description: 'Folder to use as context during image build' required: false default: '.' dockerfile: description: 'Dockerfile path to use for the build' required: false default: 'Dockerfile' platforms: description: 'Platform(s) that the image should be build for, multiple platforms can be specified comma separated (linux/amd64,linux/arm64)' required: true default: 'linux/amd64' tags: description: 'Tags to build to the image' required: true default: '' labels: description: 'Labels for the image' required: false default: '' buildkit-daemon-address: description: 'Address of the buildkit daemon to use' required: true default: 'tcp://buildkit-service.buildkit-service.svc:1234' buildkit-cert-ca-file: description: 'The ca certificate file to use for the buildkit client' required: true default: '/buildkit-certs/ca.pem' buildkit-cert-file: description: 'The certificate file to use for the buildkit client' required: true default: '/buildkit-certs/cert.pem' buildkit-cert-key-file: description: 'The certificate key file to use for the buildkit client' required: true default: '/buildkit-certs/key.pem' push: description: 'Defines whether the image should be pushed to the registry or not, default is true' required: false default: "true" build-args: description: 'Build arguments to be passed to the build' required: false target: description: 'Build stage to build' required: false secrets: description: 'Build secrets to be passed to the build' required: false registry: description: 'The docker registry to push built images' required: false registry-username: description: 'The docker registry user' required: false registry-password: description: 'The docker registry password' required: false runs: using: 'composite' steps: - shell: bash env: INPUT_PATH: ${{ inputs.path }} INPUT_SECRET: ${{ inputs.secrets }} INPUT_REGISTRY: ${{ inputs.registry }} INPUT_REGISTRY_USERNAME: ${{ inputs.registry-username }} INPUT_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: ${{ inputs.registry-password }} INPUT_TARGET: ${{ }} INPUT_BUILDKIT_DAEMON_ADDRESS: ${{ inputs.buildkit-daemon-address }} INPUT_BUILDKIT_CERT_CA_FILE: ${{ inputs.buildkit-cert-ca-file }} INPUT_BUILDKIT_CERT_FILE: ${{ inputs.buildkit-cert-file }} INPUT_BUILDKIT_CERT_KEY_FILE: ${{ inputs.buildkit-cert-key-file }} INPUT_CONTEXT: ${{ inputs.context }} INPUT_DOCKERFILE: ${{ inputs.dockerfile }} INPUT_PLATFORMS: ${{ inputs.platforms }} INPUT_LABELS: ${{ inputs.labels }} INPUT_BUILD_ARGS: ${{ }} INPUT_TAGS: ${{ inputs.tags }} INPUT_PUSH: ${{ inputs.push }} run: | cd "$INPUT_PATH" # hanlde secrets to args declare -a secret_args while IFS='=' read -r key val; do if [[ -n "$key" && -n "$val" ]]; then val="${val%\'*}" val="${val%\"*}" val="${val#\'}" val="${val#\"}" export SECRET_ENV_${key}="${val}" secret_args+=("--secret id=${key},env=SECRET_ENV_${key}") fi done <<< "$INPUT_SECRETS" # login to docker registry export DOCKER_CONFIG=~/.docker if [ -n "$INPUT_REGISTRY" ]; then mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG echo "{\"auths\":{\"$INPUT_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$INPUT_REGISTRY_USERNAME\",\"password\":\"$INPUT_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > $DOCKER_CONFIG/config.json fi target_args="" if [ -n "$INPUT_TARGET" ]; then target_args="--target=$INPUT_TARGET" fi # build and push using buildkit buildctl \ --addr $INPUT_BUILDKIT_DAEMON_ADDRESS \ --tlscacert $INPUT_BUILDKIT_CERT_CA_FILE \ --tlscert $INPUT_BUILDKIT_CERT_FILE \ --tlskey $INPUT_BUILDKIT_CERT_KEY_FILE \ build \ --frontend dockerfile.v0 \ --local context=$INPUT_CONTEXT \ --local dockerfile=$INPUT_CONTEXT \ --opt platform=$INPUT_PLATFORMS \ $(echo "$INPUT_BUILD_ARGS" | sed -r '/^\s*$/d' - | sed -r 's/(.*)/--opt build-arg:\1 \\/' -) \ $(echo "$INPUT_LABELS" | sed -r '/^\s*$/d' - | sed -r 's/(.*)/--opt label:\1 \\/' -) \ "${secret_args[@]}" \ "$target_args" \ --opt filename=./$INPUT_DOCKERFILE \ --output type=image,\"name=$(echo "$INPUT_TAGS" | paste -sd ',' -)\",push=$INPUT_PUSH